As "they" say ...
There's a first time for everything!
In my case... It's my first time writing a blog,and i am no proper writer,but then again... what is a proper writer !? Nowadays, everyone seems to be doing everything everyone never thought "they" could do.
It's a world of great expectations. Anyway,i had a great summer holiday back in my country,had a haircut and donated it to someone that didn't want to turn to plastic surgery ,but came across me and i fixed it and now here i am,back in London city,the city that never shines,i like it... yet, it doesn't fully convince me.

jusst want to say hi.
thanks for reading
Hey sis...nice to read yr blogs!! Keep us updated with what you're doing in yr every day life in London...Missing ya LOADS XXXX
Some men wish they could have that amount of hair on their heads lol !!!
helllooo sexy girl...just want to say that your blog is amazing :) its interesting to know that all is good and fine! enjoy your days and good luck for your studies xxxx take care
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