Sunday, 14 December 2008


...To apologize 
still wouldn't do it,however i am still alive, i hope you're happy about that.

I finally finished the first term of this year's course,and just when i think "SI,i am done,over,gogogo" ...I am held back by a whole list of other things to get done, and it's not the christmas list,it's a week list before i head back to the beautiful shores of my country.

It's been very hectic...handing in work, meeting deadline,re-submitting ,bugging to get into the university halls and what not...but , i have to say that after all of that i kind of did everything i had to do...
YES,i got into halls and i will be leaving to go home this sunday,therefore in a weeks time i have to move everything from where i am because the contract is ending this month anyway... have to sort things out ,and get ready to have a mini miny mo christmas break with the family... so,i kind of have something to look forward to.

This SEFblog post takes me back when i said that student's lives are very hard to handle and not always easy to be part of or actually living the "student life".
But, i don't want to moan about it... it's a choice i made.

I am BUSY but kinda FREE. 

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