Wednesday 26 November 2008


ROYALmail, i am sorry, actually i am not!
These are the organizations we trust in, and they do us wrong and treat us as if we are the ones that aren't managing the work right.

so,i went on to the website and it's sooo damn long ,that i don't have time for maybe they know what they are doing because they don't want to hear our complaints.

I called twice and this guy hung up on me TWICE, he even told me to hold the line while he answers his personal phone-line ! 


yes !
and then he hung up because i asked him his name...I was way too polite... no wonder why this land is so cold.

NOT happy
SO unprofessional
SO unhelpful..

yours truly,
Royal MoFo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really make me laugh!!! Being Maltese you should have gotten used to bad service by a Govt department. Only this morning I was at the Vehicle Licencing Office and there was no one manning the information desk!!! So how does one get information when the information desk is empty? What does one do, go and ask someone else? They did, and were referred to the ....yes you guessed it....INFORMATION DESK!!! So relax , shit happens!!!!